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Western Suffolk BOCES

About the school
Career & Technical Education at Wilson Tech At Wilson Tech, high school students and adults can learn the skills that are needed in today’s workplace. Learn technical skills such as how to operate or repair a computer, how to design a building or an evening dress, or how to color hair or troubleshoot a problem […]
Avg. Tuition CostAverage Tuition Cost After Aid
Acceptance Rate
No collegeSpecial mission
-School type
PublicCollege level / degree type
2 yearTop 5 Majors
personal Culinary
mechanic Repair Technology
Student Body / As a student
Graduation rate
88.23%Cost of attendance
-Remote option
-School size
Minimum test score
After School / Post Graduation
Median debt of students
$9,500Earning by student
Application and Qualification Requirements
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